The Benefits of Fire Warden Training for Your Business and Staff

Fire safety in the workplace is now a responsibility for all UK business owners with a non-domestic premises of trade. This is part of the change in the regulatory reform order of 2005 which combined many older legislations into one. A fire risk assessment is now a major part of this fire safety order and you must ensure a regular assessment is carried out on your premises to maintain a high level of safety. The order does not state who should perform the assessment, however it does state that the individual must be a competent person and that some basic fire safety knowledge would be very beneficial. This opens up the opportunity for you to perform the assessment yourself, this would be the easiest and cheapest option but if you do not have sufficient knowledge then you may miss some very important parts which will only cause your employees and premises to be at a higher risk from fire.

If you feel that you could not perform a fire risk assessment adequately then an alternative measure could be to hire a fire consultant. This would be the most advisable option as a professional fire consultant has advanced knowledge and is highly trained in fire safety and the prevention of fire. A consultant would ensure that any fire hazards on your premises would be removed and that safety precautions would be put in place to prevent any new risks from accuring. A fire consultant gives you that peace of mind that your staff and premises are highly protected from fire but the only down side is that it can be expensive to continually hire a professional.

Fire Warden Training Perth could be the best option for you and your business, particularly if your premises is of medium size. A fire consultant could visit your premises and train a member of your staff in fire safety, you would then have a trained warden on duty at your premises who could perform a regular fire risk assessment for your business. They could then create and manage a fire plan for your business to ensure that your employees and building remain free from the risk of fire. As well as this they can create a safe evacuation plan in case of an emergency as they would be fully trained in how to deal with the situation. They could then train other employees in how to react and evacuate safely in the event of a fire. You would also save money as a trained employee could perform risk assessments and manage your fire plan rather than you having to continually hire a fire consultant to undertake the procedure.


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